So, "Jackets Time", eh?
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

But 'lo and behold, Jackets Time is nothing more than a repeat each and every airing. Same Doug MacLean interview, same Rick Nash spotlight, same Gerard Gallant interview, same Danny Gare introduction ... you get the idea.
Now don't get me wrong, I appreciate the fact they even did this. But there is a lot more than they could do by actually, you know, having unique episodes of Jackets Time, and not just repeating the same one from now until just before the start of the season. They could talk about a variety of players, from the well-known to the role players to those in the system. They could even talk with some of the players.
So ... great idea, but bad execution, sadly. Here's hoping Between the Pipes and The Doug MacLean Show start up soon, so there's at least something interactive going on besides the weekly articles in The Columbus Dispatch.
P.S. J.P. Dumont to the Nashville Predators as of earlier today. After all is said and done concerning this off-season, I fear the Preds more than I fear even the Red Wings at the moment.