Podcast of the Ohio - Podcast #2.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Don't worry. I'm still alive. I'd like to thank a friend of mine who inspired me to come back from the dead before I let more than a week pass before posts! Today, I'm tossing out another podcast. This one's a bit shorter than the previous one, but the topic is still rather important: Doug MacLean, and the current speculation about his job.
>> Podcast of the Ohio #2 <<
Incidentally, I'd just like to say this to the Nashville Predators after we, the Blue Jackets and loyal fans (who rank 18th in attendance despite our poor on-ice product), devoted a full minute to Mike Modano's recent achievements as an American-born hockey player last night at Nationwide:

Go crash and burn in the first round now, kthx. :D
(Speaking of classiness (or lack thereof), how about the Flyers totally ignoring Martin Brodeur breaking the single season win record for a goalie? Doubly so because of the fact that former Flyer and record holder Bernie Parent had been giving Brodeur his blessings for at least a while now? Sounds like the Flyers could use a lesson or two about honoring achievements, too.)
Labels: podcasting
At 4:44 PM, said…
At 10:21 AM, Ice Cream Recipes said…
Hey, I've got bandwidth to burn if you want me to host your podcasts on a more "normal" site. Let me know, I can host them for you easily enough. (skrautATgmailDOTcom)