Icy to dull the pain, and hot to relax it away.
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Icy Hots are my one true love (except for the girlfriend, of course). Seriously, if it weren't for these things being slapped on or wrapped around my right calf every several hours (it's been acting up whilst during daily exercises) I'd be curled up in a heap in bed, downing Aleve by the handful ... and as we all know, that's never a safe thing to do. Too bad these don't work on sore hearts and heads from an early season four-game losing streak, right?
I bet Alexandre Picard could use an Icy Hot, after that nasty hip check that sent him flying into the air and then landing right on the partition between the boards and the glass during the tail end of that San Jose game. Rob Oller (is he new? Is he taking over for Arace while he tends to personal matters?) talks about how even though he got banged up pretty bad, Picard's still been able to practice in the "no hit" jersey, which is a good thing.
Parma (Dan Fritsche) has also been given the green light for Friday when the Los Angeles Kings come down to C-Bus. So who wants to guess who is scratched and/or sent down? Jaroslav Balastik was the healthy scratch during Monday's game, and that was for Picard being called up. If Picard's able to play and is given the OK, Balastik more than likely stays in the press box for the game, which means someone else has to sit out. I remember an earlier Dispatch report floated the possibility of Jody Shelley being that somebody, so there's always that to consider. Then again, maybe Gallant does something drastic and sits out someone who most people think of as 'important', just to give the team (and said player) a shock to the system.
As always, we just have to wait and see. I'll be waiting and seeing from Section 217 tomorrow night. I'll be damned if I'm going to go on my November vacation next week before seeing the Jackets win at least once when I go to a game in person!
I bet Alexandre Picard could use an Icy Hot, after that nasty hip check that sent him flying into the air and then landing right on the partition between the boards and the glass during the tail end of that San Jose game. Rob Oller (is he new? Is he taking over for Arace while he tends to personal matters?) talks about how even though he got banged up pretty bad, Picard's still been able to practice in the "no hit" jersey, which is a good thing.
Parma (Dan Fritsche) has also been given the green light for Friday when the Los Angeles Kings come down to C-Bus. So who wants to guess who is scratched and/or sent down? Jaroslav Balastik was the healthy scratch during Monday's game, and that was for Picard being called up. If Picard's able to play and is given the OK, Balastik more than likely stays in the press box for the game, which means someone else has to sit out. I remember an earlier Dispatch report floated the possibility of Jody Shelley being that somebody, so there's always that to consider. Then again, maybe Gallant does something drastic and sits out someone who most people think of as 'important', just to give the team (and said player) a shock to the system.
As always, we just have to wait and see. I'll be waiting and seeing from Section 217 tomorrow night. I'll be damned if I'm going to go on my November vacation next week before seeing the Jackets win at least once when I go to a game in person!
Rob Oller has done commentary for the Dispatch sports section for years. I didn't know he did hockey coverage, but I imagine you are correct in assuming he's filling in for Arace in the short term.